Revitalize Muscles with Gentle Precision

A soothing approach to muscle recovery and mobility.

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization is a therapeutic technique that helps ease muscle tension and improve your range of motion. Using specially designed tools, this method gently targets soft tissue to mobilize scar tissue and fascial restrictions, promoting natural healing. Whether you're recovering from an injury or looking to enhance flexibility, this technique can offer a non-invasive way to support your body's recovery and maintain overall wellness.

Instrument assisted soft tissue treatment is an advanced, skilled physical therapy treatment that regenerates health soft tissues (muscles, tendons, etc.) and eliminates or reduces unwanted scar tissue/tissue changes that may be causing pain or movement restrictions.

It is non-invasive, which means there are no injections or incisions. Instruments are applied topically (on top of the skin) to locate dysfunctional (unhealthy) tissue, and to transfer mild to moderate pressure to the underlying soft tissue structures. It stimulates tissue turnover, scar tissue resorption, and the regeneration of tendons, muscles and other soft tissue structures.

ASTYM is typically provided twice weekly for four to five weeks (about 9 total treatment sessions) and is done in conjunction with eccentric loading, stretching, and functional exercises to assist the tissues with realignment. Continuation of work, athletic and recreational activities throughout the treatment process is encouraged as it promotes optimal healing.

It is very effective is restoring movement and reducing pain from soft tissue injury or dysfunction. ASTYM provides excellent results with a small number of treatments; normal movement patterns are restored, pain is relieved, and the ability to do things returns.

Diagnoses that respond well to the ASTYM treatment are:
chronic (prolonged) joint dysfunction
carpal tunnel syndrome
lateral epicondylitis
shoulder pain
plantar fasciitis
chronic ankle sprains
Achilles tendonitis
patellar tendonitis
post-surgical scarring (including post-mastectomy)
SI & low back pain

B Well Integrated Physical Therapy PLLC

42 Audubon Road, 42 Audubon Rd.
Oxford, MI


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Relieve tension and improve mobility

Schedule your personalized IASTM session in Rochester, MI today